NCEA Level 2 Maths: Algebra

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Level Two Maths: Algebra

Our online workshop is designed specifically for getting you ready to tackle the Algebra external, with full working and explanations from one of our presenters. Total runtime: 115 minutes


Level Two Maths Collection

Our online Level 2 Maths workshop collection is designed specifically for getting you ready to tackle all three externals, with full working and explanations from our presenters. Total runtime: 285 minutes



3. Quadratic Formula

A formula after my heart. In this lesson Lucy will cover the quadratic formula. Page 4.

4. The Discriminant

Say no to discrimination, say yes to The Discriminant. They are our friend. Page 6.

5. Fractions

In this lesson Lucy will run through fractions, like my ex wife ran over my PS4. Sorry, ignore me. Page 8.

7. Properties of Logs

I don’t know who needs to hear this but logs have properties. Let’s hear some. Page 10.

8. Exam Question

For our final lesson in the Level 2 Calculus workshop Lucy will go over the exam question on page 11 of the workbook. Thanks for sticking around until the end guys, you’re doing great!