Learn About Anything, From Maths, to Politics.
StudyTime Academy is the ultimate learning platform with online workshops for NCEA externals, and life skills courses that allow you to expand your skills outside the classroom.
The Stuff They Don’t Teach You in School.

100% Free!
Our goal is to make this important info accessible to everyone, regardless of background.
Fun & Engaging
These are designed by young people, for young people with animation, humour, and clear, straight-to-the-point explanations.
3 Distinct Courses
Our life skills cover 3 different topics, with more coming soon in the pipeline. Learn about the New Zealand government and political system, how to tackle procrastination, and how to cope with exams.
Your One Stop Shop to Smash Your NCEA Exams!

Designed for all skill level
Whether you’re aiming for Achieved or Excellence, our workshops help provide you with the confidence, strategy, and motivation to succeed in your NCEA exams.
Experienced tutors
All workshops are presented by experienced tutors who know all the in’s and out’s of your exams.
Level 3 Workshops Coming Soon!
In your final year of NCEA? Keep your eyes peeled for our Level 3 Workshops, coming to a screen near you soon.
Made By Students, For Students
Who said learning had to be boring? Our courses are put together and presented by students who have recently done NCEA, and understand what it’s like to be in your shoes. We walk you through how it’s done, and give you solutions for common problems that students run into.
Learn how to answer Achieved, Merit and Excellence questions
Our online workshops walk you through how to answer NCEA exam questions, including how to answer them in the way that NCEA wants.
Be prepared for the outside world
Ever wanted to learn more about politics but didn’t know where to start? We explain everything from the ground up from a New Zealand point-of-view.
Explained like a mate
No pompus language, no American-context that doesn’t quite make sense here – all our courses are presented by our New Zealand-based team to give you the greatest chance of success.