NCEA Level 2 Chemistry: Structure and Bonding

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Level Two Chemistry: Structure and Bonding

Our online workshop is designed specifically for getting you ready to tackle the Structure and Bonding external, with full working and explanations from one of our presenters. Total runtime: 125 minutes


Level Two Chemistry Collection

Our online Level 2 Chemistry workshop collection is designed specifically for getting you ready to tackle all three externals, with full working and explanations from our presenters. Total runtime: 395 minutes



3. Lewis Structures and Bond Angles

In this section Fraser will cover Lewis Structures and Bond Angles. Will he answer the age old question of “who is Lewis?” Let’s find out. Starting on page 5.

4. Lewis Structures and Bond Angles 2

I’m sure we can all agree that sequels never miss the mark. ‘Lewis Stuctures and Bond Angles 2 – Lewis Returns’ is no exception. Make sure you’re following along on page 6.

5. Energy & Enthalpy

For our final section in the Structure and Bonding workshop Fraser will be taking us through the Energy and Enthalpy section. Head to page 8, finish the workbook, and give yourself a warm pat on the back once you’re done. Self love is important!