1. Intro, Points and Intersecting Lines
2. Triangles
In this next lesson we will delve into the wondrous world of triangles. Page 7 is the place to be to learn the secrets of these elusive three-sided bad-boys.
3. Right-angled Triangles
Back with even more triangles. This time of the right-angled variety. Locate page 9 in your workbook and let’s keep this going.
4. Polygons
What’s the deal with polygons? Let’s find out. Page 12 in the workbook is where the action happens.
5. Circles
Circles, they’re round, what’s more to know? A lot, apparently. Let’s crack into it, head to page 15 in the workbook.
6. Quadrilaterals
Awesome job for smashing through the workshop so far, we’re almost there! Time to hit the gym and tone up our quadrilaterals. Let’s go to page 19.