NCEA Level 2 Physics: Mechanics

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Level Two Physics: Mechanics

Our online workshop is designed specifically for getting you ready to tackle the Mechanics external, with full working and explanations from one of our presenters. Total runtime: 87 minutes


Level Two Physics Collection

Our online Level 2 Physics workshop collection is designed specifically for getting you ready to tackle all three externals, with full working and explanations from our presenters. Total runtime: 257 minutes



2. Motion

In this next lesson Maddie walks us through some questions on motion. This is the merit question that can be found at the top of page 5 in the workbook.

3. Torques

Next up we’re learning about torques. Find the excellence question at the top of page 7 and let’s work through it together.

4. Momentum

You know what they say, another day, another excellence question. Let’s give this one on momentum a try. Page 8.

5. Spring Constants

Page 10 in the workbook is where you’ll find our next excellence question, this time we’re covering spring constants.

6. Projectile Motion

Projectile Motion, where we get to look at throwing stuff. Let’s hop over to page 12.

7. Circular Motion

Congrats for making it this far guys, in our final section we’ll go over the last excellence question in the workbook on page 14.