NCEA Level 2 Chemistry: Chemical Reactivity

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Level Two Chemistry: Chemical Reactivity

Our online workshop is designed specifically for getting you ready to tackle the Chemical Reactivity external, with full working and explanations from one of our presenters. Total runtime: 151 minutes


Level Two Chemistry Collection

Our online Level 2 Chemistry workshop collection is designed specifically for getting you ready to tackle all three externals, with full working and explanations from our presenters. Total runtime: 395 minutes



2. Rates of Reaction 2

Rates of Reaction is back, and this time it’s personal. Head to page 5 and let’s get this bread.

3. Equilibrium Principles

Now Fraser will teach us about principles of the equilibrium variety. Find all that and more on page 7 of your workbook.

5. Acids and Bases

Let’s all just vibe out to Fraser’s soothing voice in this lesson on acids and bases. Flip over to page 12.

6. Acids and Bases 2

Congrats guys, you’re almost there. One last lesson, which happens to be the highly anticipated follow-up to Acids and Bases 1.