NCEA Level 2 Biology: Life Processes at the Cellular Level

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Level Two Biology: Life Processes at the Cellular Level

Our online workshop is designed specifically for getting you ready to tackle the Life Processes at the Cellular Level external, with full working and explanations from one of our presenters. Total runtime: 99 minutes


Level Two Biology Collection

Our online Level 2 Biology workshop collection is designed specifically for getting you ready to tackle all three externals, with full working and explanations from our presenters. Total runtime: 282 minutes



2. Transport

All aboard the hype train, page 6 in our workbook is where the transport party is happening.

3. Enzymes

Now we’ll take a look at enzymes – page 7 in your workbook, page 1 in your heart.

4. Processes

Our next lesson is on processes. Like how I am constantly in the process of losing my mind. Sorry what were we talking about? Page 10.

5. Processes 2

Congratulations for making it this far! Now McKenzie will give us some advice on how to tackle the final excellence questions in the workbook, starting on page 14.